BIOSAR MYCE (Paecilomyces fumosoroseus), is a naturally occurring fungus in soil. It is widely used to control lepidopteron pests in many agricultural crops. It is not harmful to the host plant or the environment. As a pesticide active ingredient, it is applied to soil to control nematodes that attack plant roots. It acts against a wide range of Arthropods, red spider mites, thrips, beetles, white flies, caterpillars etc.


• It forms a good molecule for use in IPM programme and there by helps to reduce the pesticide load
• Offers long lasting pest control as it does not affect natural enemies
• Does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problem.
• Effectively controls economically important pests of crops such as root knot nematodes, burrowing nematodes, cyst nematodes, lesion nematodes etc.

Recommended for: Cereals, pulses, vegetables, cold crops, fibre crops, eggplant, potato, chilli, tomatoes, cucumbers, flowers, orchards, vineyards ornamentals in greenhouses, lawns, nurseries, landscape and plantation crops.

Available in powder and liquid



Powder Form:
Soil application: 2.5 kg/ Hectare
Foliar spray: 5gm per ltr of water

Liquid Form:
Seed Treatment: Mix 4 ml of Biosar MYCE/ 5 gm of Biosar MYCE in 10 ml of water & treat this to 1 kg of seeds
For Nursery: Mix 250 ml of MYCE-L with 50 kg organic manure & broadcast to the nursery.
Main Field/Soil: Mix 1 lt of Biosar MYCE or 2 kg of Biosar MYCE in 100 kg of dried organic manure & broadcast to 1 hectare of area. (depending on crop canopy).
Foliar Spray: Mix 2 ml of Biosar MYCE in 1 lt of water and spray this in the morning/evening hours. i.e.1lt/hec.
The frequency of applications also depends on the pest and the crop. For greenhouse pest problems, applications once in every 15-20 days are recommended.

It is compatible with all other bio products