Biosar SUL, a reaserch product is dust free, micronized, free flowing sulphur formulation with fungicidal and acaricidal action used to increase quality and quantity of crop field. It is a combination of lime sulphur and elemental sulphur which is easily absorbable, used to treat various garden pests & diseases. It is effective against thrips and red spider mites with its strong vapourization and contact activity. It is capable of correcting sulphur deficiency under field condition. Its application is essential for many growth functions of plants.

Benefits :

• Essential for growth functions like nitrogen metabolism, enzymatic activity, protein, oil and chlorophyll synthesis leaf elemental composition, more uniform maturity, pest and disease control

Recommended For: Groundnut, pea, sorghum, Cow pea, moong, citrus, chilli, cumin beans, apple, grapes and mango.

Available in powder and liquid form




Powder Form:
1 Kg per hectare for soil application. 1-2 gm per litre to be sprayed during early morning or late afternoon.

Liquid Form:
2ml/ltr to be sprayed during early morning or late afternoon, not in bright sunlight
First Spray: Dec/Jan – Control of existing adult Mite population
Second Spray: March/April – Destruction of Mite eggs-control of multiplication
Third Spray: June/July – Arrests Mites activity
Fourth Spray: Sep/Oct – Destruction of existing population
It is compatible with all other bio products