BIOSAR NPV is a biological insecticide based on an selective strain of nuclear polyhedrosis virus. When the spore of the fungus comes in contact with cuticle (skin) of the target pest/insect it germinate and grow directly through the cuticle in the inner body of the pest/insect.
It effectively controls pests such as borers, cutworms, root grubs, leaf hoppers, white fly, aphids, thrips, mealy bug, etc.
Recommended for: Rice, maize, tomato, cauliflower, potato, cabbage, tea, etc.
Powder Form:
Seed treatment: Mix 5gm of BIOSAR NPV with 1 Kg of semi moist seeds.
Liquid Form:
2ml of Biosar NPK is dissolved in 1ltr of water and sprayed uniformly near the root of the plant in the morning or evening hours. It is compatible with all other bio products.
BIOSAR TRICHOTWIN, a preventive biological (living) fungicide attacks disease causing fungicide before they reaches the root system. It grows fast, coils around the pathogen, penetrates through it and takes away its nutrients. The pathogen eventually dies and is eliminated on field.
• It is not toxic to humans and not a water contaminant.
• It is host specific, can colonize and proliferate
• It is non pathogenic to host planst and environment
Azatica 5% is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 5.0% by weight azadirachtin. It is an insect growth regulator which also works as a repellent towards some adult species. WHile evaluation on ornamental, forestry, and food crops, no phytotoxicity at directed field rates was observed.
Target Pests: Aphids, armyworms, beetles, bagworms, bugs, budworms, cutworms, cankeworms, caterpillar and loopers, chafers, flies, fungus gnats, leafperforators, leafhoppers, leafminers, leafrollers, lepidopterous larvae, loopers, marsh crane flies, mealybugs, moths, psyllids, sawflies, thrips, webworms, and whiteflies; and plant parasitic nematodes such as dagger, golden, root knot nematodes, etc.
Recommended For: Agricultural and commercial use, greenhouse, shadehouse, and nursery use on outdoor food crops, indoor plants, turfgrass, outdoor shrubs, trees and ornamentals.
BIOSAR Doctor Tee is a biological formulation prepared from extracts of rarely available roots and leaves. It is a research based product which is highly effective in prevention and curation of plants from possible pest attack like insects and worms (not for Bacterial/Fungus/Virus attack)
Biosar TRICHO, a preventive biological fungicide contains conidial spore and mycelial fragments of a selective strains of antagonistic fungus Trichoderma Viride. It attacks disease causing fungicide before they reaches the root system. It grows fast, coils around the pathogen, penetrates through it and takes away its nutrients. The pathogen eventually dies and is eliminated on field. It is effective in controlling bacterial diseases, seed and soil borne diseases, damping off, foot rot, root rot, seedling rot, leaf spot, Rust, Red rot diseases, ring spot, collar rot, root wilt, etc.
• It does not creat resistance, resurgence and residue problem.
• It is harmless to the environment, is ecofriendly and maintains the ecological balance.