Biosar BT (Bacillus thuringiensis), a naturally occurring bacterium is an effective control agent in many crops. The insects that die eating Bacillus thuringiensis are not considered dangerous to birds or animals that may feed the dead insect.


• Not harmful to plants or the environment
• Only microbial insecticide widely used to control lepidopteron pests in agricultural crops.

Best time to spray is early morning or evening as it is highly susceptible to degradation by sunlight. They mostly adhere to foliage for less than a week after application, the period shotens with rain or overhead watering.

Recommended For: Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruit crops, Cole crops, Orchards, Fibre crops, Cut flowers Ornamentals in greenhouses; nurseries, lawns and landscape.

It is available in powder and liquid form.


Powder Form:
Foliar spray: 2.5 kg/hectare in 500 liters of water i.e., 5 gm/liter of water. The spray volume depends on the crop canopy.
Soil application: 2.5 kg/ Hectare


Liquid Form:
Foliar Spray : 2ml/ ltr of Biosar BT-L with 5ml/ ltr of Biosar Add on. The product should be sprayed on the growing plants using hand, ground or aerial spray equipment.
Soil application: Sprinkled around root – zone and incorporated into the soil either mechanically, watering of plants or drip irrigation systems.

The frequency of applications also depends on the pest and the crop. For greenhouse pest problems – apply once in every 15-20 days is recommended. It is compatible with all other bio products.