Biosar Humic Acid Solid is a group of molecules that binds and helps plant roots receive water and nutrients. High humic acid levels can dramatically increase yields, while its deficency can prevent farmers and gardeners from grooving crops with optimum nutrition.
• Nutrilize sil pH, increase plant yield upto 70%, increase water holding capacity of soil
• Binds insoluble metal ions, oxides and hydeoxides to release them slowly and continually to plants when required
• Produces physical, chemical and biological effects
• It is completely biodegradable and toxin free.
Dosage : 500 gm/acre via drip irrigation
2 kg/acre for short term crops (3 – 4 months) and 4 kg per acre for long term crops
Crops : Any field crops / Horticultural crops/Fruit crops.
Compatibility : Compatible with most of all pesticides / fungicides / PGR.
Biosar Gromax Tea has a positive effect on tea plant growth, it supplies nutrients like Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, etc. to the plant. It improves the yield as it plays an important role in balanced crop nutrition. It is ecofirnedly and non toxic to humans and animals.
• Increases stem elongation and helps break dormancy
• Improves leaf size, quality, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis ad carbon fixation
• Accelerates leaf germination and increases enzyme induction in plants
• Increases microbial activity in soil and improves plants’ metabolic process
Biosar ZSB comprises of Zinc solubilizing bacteria. Zinc is an important micro nutrient required in small amounts by plants for growth and reproduction. Solubilization of inorganic mineral nutrients such as insoluble form of zinc into accessible form for plant assimilation is a well known plant growth promoting traits exhibited by many bacteria.
• It controls khoira diseases in Paddy
• Increases crop yield and the quality of the produce
• Improves soil health and activates hormones
• Improves root and plant growth
• Improve photo synthetic activity
Recommended for: Crops grown between 5 to 8 pH. It should be applied specially in paddy, wheat, pulses, citrus, pomegranate, Ginger etc.
Biosar Neemplus protects roots from soil and seed borne diseases, nematode and increses tolerance against a range of soil stress. It renders the immunity of the crop against various diseases and insects as well. It helps prevent damping off, root rot, nematode, leaf mottling, leaf witting, black spot, etc.
• It increases plant growth and soil fertility, helps in plant growth, flowering & bearing of fruits
• It releases nitrogen from soil that is easily absorbed/assimilated by the plants
• It renders immunity of the crop against various diseases & insects
A combination of microbial inoculants for management of major nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potash is necessary for sustainability of plants. Bio fertlizers enhance nitrogen availability, while inoculants enhance phosphorous and potash nutrition.
Biosar AZUM comprises of Bacteria Azospirillum which serves as a broad spectrum inoculant. It is a mixture of powerful organisms which dissolve insolulable phosphorous and potash in soil and makes them available for plants through production of organic acid. It also provides nitrogen to the plants and produces biologically active vitamins, indole acetic acid, gibberellins, cytokynins which promotes plant growth.
• Improves rate of seed germination, helps in root proliferation, accelerates plant growth, initiates early flowering and maturation, thus incrasing crop yield by 10-15%
• Energizes plants and boosts their growth
• It is sustainable and makes plants healthy from inside