Biosar Moti, a vermi compost is a superior quality manure. It is rich in plant nutrients and provides all essential nutrients in exchangeable and available forms. The worm castings in the vermicompost have nutrients that are upto 97% utilizable by plants and the easting have a mucous coating which allows the nutrients to “time release”.

Benefits :

• It is gentle and does not burn plants. It improves soil structure, acration, water holding capacity and chemical composition of soil
• Reduces casting of soil structure, improves water transmission and water retention, minatains uniforn pH and increases cation exchange activity of soil
• Increases oxidizable carbom levels, improving the base exchange capacity of the soil

Recommended for: Tea (planting pit), young and mature tea, potato, vegetables, paddy, etc.



Apply to the field at the time of final land preparation and mix thoroughly with the soil. 100gm/plant or 900kg/Hectare or 90kg/bigha