BIOSAR Pseudo (Pseudomonas fluorescens), a bacterial fungicide is an efficient entomo pathogen against oligonychus coffeae. It controls fungal and bacterial pathogens in different crops and its bio-control efficacy against red spidermite has been evaluated both in-vivo and in-vitro. Its colonizes in maximum space and absorbs a lot of nutrients available, thereby controlling pathogens by starving them for food and space. It effectively controls bacterial leaf seedling blight, blast, sheath blight, head blight, late blight, leaf blight, damping off, panama wilt, seedling rot, leaf spot, rust, red rot diseases, chilli seedlings, etc.


• Protects rhizoshere area against parasitic fungi such as fusarium or pythyum, as well as some phytophagus nematodes
• It is harmless to the environment, is eco-friendly and maintains ecological balance.
• It does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problems
• Effectively controls pests such as borers, cutworms, Root grubs, leaf hoppers, white fly, Aphids, Thrips, Mealy bug, wide range of arthropods, beetles, termites, weevils, thrips, caterpillars, mealybug etc.

Recommended For: Rice, wheat, maize, gram, lentils, potato, onion, tomato, carrot, capsicum, cucumber, peanut, tobacco, pineapple, mango, banana, chickpea, sugarcane, etc.
Available in powder and liquid form


Powder Form:
Seed treatment: Mix 5gm of BIOSAR PSEUDO with 1Kg semi moist seeds
Soil treatment: Thoroughly mix 2Kg BIOSAR PSEUDO with 30Kg of Biosar Hira (Organic manure) to spread on an area followed by light ploughing and irrigation. 2Kg BIOSAR PSB / hectare. Use extra BIOSAR HIRA/well dried organic manure as per requirement.

Liquid Form:
For Spray: 400ml per acre. 2ml of Biosar PSEUDO-L to be dissolved in 1liter water. Sprayed uniformly on leaves, stems, flowers & fruits in the morning/evening hrs.
For Seed dressing: 4ml Biosar PSEUDO-L is dissolved in 10ml of water and is sufficient to dress the seeds of 1kg.

Compatible with all other bio products.

Precautions: Avoid contact with skin or eyes. Do not eat, drink, inhale or smoke during application.
Antidote: To be treated symptomatically

Entire contents of the pack should be used in one time.