BIOSAR Rhizo contains bacterium Rhizobium which infect legume root and form root nodules. They reduce molecular nitrogen to ammonia which can readily by utilized by the plants to produce valuable proteins, vitamins and other nitrogen compounds. It has been estimated that 40-250 Mg N/ha/y is fixed by different legume crops by the microbial activities of Rhizobium.
• Produces biologically active metabolites like vitamins, indole acetic acid, gibberellins, cytokynins which energizes the plants and promote their growth
• It makes plants healthier from inside
Recommended for: All the legumes like groundnut, soyabean, pulses, green pea etc.
Powder Form:
Seed treatment – 100 gram BIOSAR RIZHO is to be mixed well with 10 liters of sticking agent/water. The seeds are then dipped, shade dried and sown immediately
Soil application – 3kg BIOSAR RIZHO is to be mixed with 30 kg BIOSAR HIRA (Organic Manure) or as recommended. Applied uniformly in the soil and watered well.
Liquid Form:
200ml per acre. 1ml of Biosar RHIZO is dissolved in 1ltr of water and spray uniformly near the root of the plant in the morning or evening hours.
Biosar Moti, a vermi compost is a superior quality manure. It is rich in plant nutrients and provides all essential nutrients in exchangeable and available forms. The worm castings in the vermicompost have nutrients that are upto 97% utilizable by plants and the easting have a mucous coating which allows the nutrients to “time release”.
Benefits :
• It is gentle and does not burn plants. It improves soil structure, acration, water holding capacity and chemical composition of soil
• Reduces casting of soil structure, improves water transmission and water retention, minatains uniforn pH and increases cation exchange activity of soil
• Increases oxidizable carbom levels, improving the base exchange capacity of the soil
Recommended for: Tea (planting pit), young and mature tea, potato, vegetables, paddy, etc.
Biosar ZSB comprises of Zinc solubilizing bacteria. Zinc is an important micro nutrient required in small amounts by plants for growth and reproduction. Solubilization of inorganic mineral nutrients such as insoluble form of zinc into accessible form for plant assimilation is a well known plant growth promoting traits exhibited by many bacteria.
• It controls khoira diseases in Paddy
• Increases crop yield and the quality of the produce
• Improves soil health and activates hormones
• Improves root and plant growth
• Improve photo synthetic activity
Recommended for: Crops grown between 5 to 8 pH. It should be applied specially in paddy, wheat, pulses, citrus, pomegranate, Ginger etc.
BIOSAR Pseudo (Pseudomonas fluorescens), a bacterial fungicide is an efficient entomo pathogen against oligonychus coffeae. It controls fungal and bacterial pathogens in different crops and its bio-control efficacy against red spidermite has been evaluated both in-vivo and in-vitro. Its colonizes in maximum space and absorbs a lot of nutrients available, thereby controlling pathogens by starving them for food and space. It effectively controls bacterial leaf seedling blight, blast, sheath blight, head blight, late blight, leaf blight, damping off, panama wilt, seedling rot, leaf spot, rust, red rot diseases, chilli seedlings, etc.
• Protects rhizoshere area against parasitic fungi such as fusarium or pythyum, as well as some phytophagus nematodes
• It is harmless to the environment, is eco-friendly and maintains ecological balance.
• It does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problems
• Effectively controls pests such as borers, cutworms, Root grubs, leaf hoppers, white fly, Aphids, Thrips, Mealy bug, wide range of arthropods, beetles, termites, weevils, thrips, caterpillars, mealybug etc.
Recommended For: Rice, wheat, maize, gram, lentils, potato, onion, tomato, carrot, capsicum, cucumber, peanut, tobacco, pineapple, mango, banana, chickpea, sugarcane, etc.
Available in powder and liquid form
Biosar Humic Acid Solid is a group of molecules that binds and helps plant roots receive water and nutrients. High humic acid levels can dramatically increase yields, while its deficency can prevent farmers and gardeners from grooving crops with optimum nutrition.
• Nutrilize sil pH, increase plant yield upto 70%, increase water holding capacity of soil
• Binds insoluble metal ions, oxides and hydeoxides to release them slowly and continually to plants when required
• Produces physical, chemical and biological effects
• It is completely biodegradable and toxin free.