BIOSAR TRICHOTWIN, a preventive biological (living) fungicide attacks disease causing fungicide before they reaches the root system. It grows fast, coils around the pathogen, penetrates through it and takes away its nutrients. The pathogen eventually dies and is eliminated on field.
• It is not toxic to humans and not a water contaminant.
• It is host specific, can colonize and proliferate
• It is non pathogenic to host planst and environment
Liquid Form:
For Spray: 200ml per acre. 1ml of Biosar TRICHOTWIN to be dissolved in 1 ltr. of water, sprayed uniformly near the root of the plant in the morning/evening hrs.
For Seed dressing: 100ml Biosar TRICHOTWIN-L to be dissolved in 400ml of water, is sufficient to dress the seeds required for one acre.
Biosar Troopepn (Heterorhabditis Indica), a heat tolerant nematode that works against many insect pests. When the temperature is between 25°C and 29°C, the nematode is used as a biological control agent to manage small hire beetle, fall army warm, fungus gnat, Indian meal moth, root weevil, white grub, etc.
When it is applied on the soil surface, Heterorhabditis Indica’s infective juveniles start searching for inscet hosts. Once insect larva is located, the nematode penetrates into the larval body cavity bia nayural openings such as mouth, anus and spiracles or host cuticles. Once inside, they release synbiotic bacteria (Photorabdus luminescens). In the blood, multiplying nematode bacterium complex causes septicaemia and kill their insect host usually within 24-48 hours of infection. Nematodes feed on multiplying bacteria, mature into adults, reproduce and then emerge as infective juveniles from the host cadaver to seek new larva in the soil and life cycle continues.
• Do not cause any harm to the personnel involved in their production and application.
• Do not harm humans, animals, beneficial insect, microbial communities and other beneficial nematodes.
• It works very effectively in combination with Beauveria bassiana, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Trichoderma Viride, the bio control agent. Pathogenicity influence of Herterorhabditis indica when exposed with the other bio pesticides on host larva, have proved to be more virulent and compatible.
BIOSAR MYCE (Paecilomyces fumosoroseus), is a naturally occurring fungus in soil. It is widely used to control lepidopteron pests in many agricultural crops. It is not harmful to the host plant or the environment. As a pesticide active ingredient, it is applied to soil to control nematodes that attack plant roots. It acts against a wide range of Arthropods, red spider mites, thrips, beetles, white flies, caterpillars etc.
• It forms a good molecule for use in IPM programme and there by helps to reduce the pesticide load
• Offers long lasting pest control as it does not affect natural enemies
• Does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problem.
• Effectively controls economically important pests of crops such as root knot nematodes, burrowing nematodes, cyst nematodes, lesion nematodes etc.
Biosar BT (Bacillus thuringiensis), a naturally occurring bacterium is an effective control agent in many crops. The insects that die eating Bacillus thuringiensis are not considered dangerous to birds or animals that may feed the dead insect.
• Not harmful to plants or the environment
• Only microbial insecticide widely used to control lepidopteron pests in agricultural crops.
Best time to spray is early morning or evening as it is highly susceptible to degradation by sunlight. They mostly adhere to foliage for less than a week after application, the period shotens with rain or overhead watering.
Recommended For: Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruit crops, Cole crops, Orchards, Fibre crops, Cut flowers Ornamentals in greenhouses; nurseries, lawns and landscape.
Azatica 1% is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 1.0% by weight azadirachtin. It is an insect growth regulator which also works as a repellent towards some adult species. WHile evaluation on ornamental, forestry, and food crops, no phytotoxicity at directed field rates was observed.
Target Pests: Aphids, armyworms, beetles, bagworms, bugs, budworms, cutworms, cankeworms, caterpillar and loopers, chafers, flies, fungus gnats, leafperforators, leafhoppers, leafminers, leafrollers, lepidopterous larvae, loopers, marsh crane flies, mealybugs, moths, psyllids, sawflies, thrips, webworms, and whiteflies; and plant parasitic nematodes such as dagger, golden, root knot nematodes, etc.
Recommended For: Agricultural and commercial use, greenhouse, shadehouse, and nursery use on outdoor food crops, indoor plants, turfgrass, outdoor shrubs, trees and ornamentals.