BIOSAR TRICHOTWIN, a preventive biological (living) fungicide attacks disease causing fungicide before they reaches the root system. It grows fast, coils around the pathogen, penetrates through it and takes away its nutrients. The pathogen eventually dies and is eliminated on field.


• It is not toxic to humans and not a water contaminant.
• It is host specific, can colonize and proliferate
• It is non pathogenic to host planst and environment

Recommended For: Rice, potato, cotton, pulses, fruits, oilseeds, plantation crops, vegetables, etc.

Available in powder and liquid form



Liquid Form:
For Spray: 200ml per acre. 1ml of Biosar TRICHOTWIN to be dissolved in 1 ltr. of water, sprayed uniformly near the root of the plant in the morning/evening hrs.
For Seed dressing: 100ml Biosar TRICHOTWIN-L to be dissolved in 400ml of water, is sufficient to dress the seeds required for one acre.

It compatible with all other bio products.