Biosar TRICHO Hz (Trichoderma Harzianum), a preventive biological fungicide when comes in contact with target host, it germinates and the germ tube coils the hyphae of pathogenic fungi, degrades the cell wall and feeds on the nutrients causing mycoparasitism. It attacks the pathogens before they can reach the roots. It provides prolonged protection by growing on root surfaces, nearby soil particles
• It does not creat resistance, resurgence and residue problem.
• It is harmless to the environment, is ecofriendly and maintains the ecological balance.
Powder Form:
For Spray: 3gm Biosar TRICHO Hz in 1 ltr. of water, sprayed uniformly near the root of the plant in the morning/evening hrs.
For Seed dressing: 5gm Biosar TRICHO Hz is dissolved in 1Ltr of water is sufficient to dress the seeds required for one acre.
Liquid Form:
For Spray: 400ml per acre. 2ml of Biosar TRICHO Hz-L to be dissolved in 1 ltr. of water, sprayed uniformly near the root of the plant in the morning/evening hrs.
For Seed dressing: 100ml Biosar TRICHO Hz-L is dissolved in 400ml of water is sufficient to dress the seeds required for one acre.
BIOSAR Pseudo (Pseudomonas fluorescens), a bacterial fungicide is an efficient entomo pathogen against oligonychus coffeae. It controls fungal and bacterial pathogens in different crops and its bio-control efficacy against red spidermite has been evaluated both in-vivo and in-vitro. Its colonizes in maximum space and absorbs a lot of nutrients available, thereby controlling pathogens by starving them for food and space. It effectively controls bacterial leaf seedling blight, blast, sheath blight, head blight, late blight, leaf blight, damping off, panama wilt, seedling rot, leaf spot, rust, red rot diseases, chilli seedlings, etc.
• Protects rhizoshere area against parasitic fungi such as fusarium or pythyum, as well as some phytophagus nematodes
• It is harmless to the environment, is eco-friendly and maintains ecological balance.
• It does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problems
• Effectively controls pests such as borers, cutworms, Root grubs, leaf hoppers, white fly, Aphids, Thrips, Mealy bug, wide range of arthropods, beetles, termites, weevils, thrips, caterpillars, mealybug etc.
Recommended For: Rice, wheat, maize, gram, lentils, potato, onion, tomato, carrot, capsicum, cucumber, peanut, tobacco, pineapple, mango, banana, chickpea, sugarcane, etc.
Available in powder and liquid form
Biosar Neem Oil Plus is a natural botanical extract from neem seed kernel which is prepared using cold press technology. This technology helps this oil to retain all the well balanced values within itself. It is 100% pure and natural
• It is non toxic to spiders, btterflies and insects that pollinate plants
• Weekly use at normal concentration (0.5 – 2%) does not hurt honeybees and other beneficial insects
• Controls aphids, black spot, rust, spider mites, whiteflies, musquito, flies etc.
Azatica 1% is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 1.0% by weight azadirachtin. It is an insect growth regulator which also works as a repellent towards some adult species. WHile evaluation on ornamental, forestry, and food crops, no phytotoxicity at directed field rates was observed.
Target Pests: Aphids, armyworms, beetles, bagworms, bugs, budworms, cutworms, cankeworms, caterpillar and loopers, chafers, flies, fungus gnats, leafperforators, leafhoppers, leafminers, leafrollers, lepidopterous larvae, loopers, marsh crane flies, mealybugs, moths, psyllids, sawflies, thrips, webworms, and whiteflies; and plant parasitic nematodes such as dagger, golden, root knot nematodes, etc.
Recommended For: Agricultural and commercial use, greenhouse, shadehouse, and nursery use on outdoor food crops, indoor plants, turfgrass, outdoor shrubs, trees and ornamentals.
Biosar Pochonia (Pochonia Chlamydosporia), a nematophagous fungus is one of the most effective biological control agents against plant endoparasitic nematodes of the genera globodera, heterodera, meloidogyne, nacobbus and more recently rotylenchulus
• Colonize the rhizosphere of plants and cultivars
• Percentage of parasitism is high
• Effective against a high variety of nematodes