Biosar VAM is used as an effective soil inoculant. It increases the product quality and immune power of the crop. The mycorrhizae start associating symbiotically with roots of the plants which helps in absorption of water, phosphorus solubilization and other essential macro and micro elements to make them available for the plants in an assimilable form. It imparts drought tolerance to plants and resistance to soil borne pathogens through its symbiotic associative property
3kg BIOSAR VAM is to be mixed with 30kg BIOSAR HIRA and used in one hectare or as recommended. It has to be applied uniformly in soil and watered well.
Avoid inhalation and contact with skin
Application should be done as recommended
BIOSAR Power, a completely decomposed organic fertilizer is enriched with de-oiled cakes and various nutrients. It is completely free of heavy metals. It is manufactured from well decomposed cattle waste and essential ingredients of organic origin. It increase the NPK level of soil and maintains the organic carbon percentage.
• Fully decomposed organic manure, hence odour-less
• Helps in conditioning soil structure, maintaining pH level, improving water holding capacity and better root proliferation.
• Facilitates the process of nutrient intake in a systematic and holistic manner.
• It is odour less and non-toxic. Does not leave any harmful residue or cause soil pollution.
• It increases succulency of leaves and helps in vigorous root growth.
Biosar Natura, research based product containing a mixture of essential plant amino acids along with humic acid, fulvic acid and bio-organic plant nutrient. It is protein hydeolysate based liquid plant nutrient which is used for enchancing the yield of all agricultural, horticultural and plantation crops, specially for all stages of tea plantation. It promotes growth of healthy green leaves, reduces the intensity of chlorosis, prevents and corrects nutrient deficiency.
Benefits :
• Biosar Natura increases photosynthesis, improves flower and fruit setting. It also improves size, colour and keeping quality of the produce
• As it is rich in Nitrogen content and other organic growth enhancer, it increases the succulency of the leaf
Biosar Humic Acid Solid is a group of molecules that binds and helps plant roots receive water and nutrients. High humic acid levels can dramatically increase yields, while its deficency can prevent farmers and gardeners from grooving crops with optimum nutrition.
• Nutrilize sil pH, increase plant yield upto 70%, increase water holding capacity of soil
• Binds insoluble metal ions, oxides and hydeoxides to release them slowly and continually to plants when required
• Produces physical, chemical and biological effects
• It is completely biodegradable and toxin free.
Biosar MAXTEE is made with added nutritive element and natural substances which helps increase and enhance quality even in cold climate. It increases the stability of cell membranes under low temparature condition by closing its stomata and promotes the root systems’ ability to absorb water.
Benefits :
• Growth stimulator for root, shoot and leaves
• Plant fertlizer which imparts tolerance to stress
• Revitalises crop damage by natural diasters like storm, drought, frost, flood, etc.
• Accelerates metabolic processes and increases chlorophyl and photosynthetic activities
• Builds resistance against fungal diseases like mildew, bliguts, etc.