
Showing 49–56 of 56 results



    Biosar BT (Bacillus thuringiensis), a naturally occurring bacterium is an effective control agent in many crops. The insects that die eating Bacillus thuringiensis are not considered dangerous to birds or animals that may feed the dead insect.


    • Not harmful to plants or the environment
    • Only microbial insecticide widely used to control lepidopteron pests in agricultural crops.

    Best time to spray is early morning or evening as it is highly susceptible to degradation by sunlight. They mostly adhere to foliage for less than a week after application, the period shotens with rain or overhead watering.

    Recommended For: Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruit crops, Cole crops, Orchards, Fibre crops, Cut flowers Ornamentals in greenhouses; nurseries, lawns and landscape.

    It is available in powder and liquid form.



    Biosar CAMS is a unique combination of secondary nutrients – calcium, magnesium and sulfur, which are very important and may be required as fertilizer of soil amendments for healthy growth. Calcium (calcium pectate), holds together cell walls of plants. If deficient, new tissue such as root tips, young leaves and shoot tips often exhibit distorted growth from improper cell wall formation.Magnesium, has wide range of roles in many plant functions. Since it is mobile in plants, deficiency is seen first in older leaves. Sulphur, is an important component and balanced crop nutrition.


    • Acts as a buffer in the plant system and ameliorates the toxic effects of other nutrients (if they are ar toxic levels)
    • Helps in renegration of chlorophll a & b
    • Controls damage to crops due sto low temperature or fog, imparts colour and flavour to leaves, fruits and flowers
    • Controls premature shredding of set fruits and results in dry matter, yield and plant height

    Recommended For: Tobacco, Tea, Tomato, Cocoa, Cotton, Cereals, Legumes, Ground Nut, Banana, Apples, Oil palm, Oil seed Crops, Grapes.



    BIOSAR COMIX is a bacteial consortia that helps in composting (biological conversion of organic waste to humus like substance), which enhances physical, chemical and bilogical soil properties. It comprises of a variety of micro-organism producing enzymes which can have a synergistic effect on the decomposition of lingo cellulosic biomass for the production of value added bio-products.


    • Enhances biodegradation of organic wate at extreme low temperatures
    • Effectively degrades different ligno cellulosic biomasses
    • After degradation produces humic acid, volatile folly acids, and micronutrients
    • It is Non-pathogenic to host plants and environment



    BIOSAR Doctor Tee is a biological formulation prepared from extracts of rarely available roots and leaves. It is a research based product which is highly effective in prevention and curation of plants from possible pest attack like insects and worms (not for Bacterial/Fungus/Virus attack)

    Target pests: Helopeltis theivora, Whitefly, Aphids, Mites, GLH, Blast, Blight, Rots, Damping off, BLS etc.



    Biosar Azoto comprizes of Azotobacter chroococcum, which enriches nitrogen nutrition in nitrogen deficient soil and also provides nitrogen to the plant. It produces biologically active metabolites like vitamins, indole acetic acid, gibberellins, cytokynins which promotes plant growth.


    • Energizes plants and boosts their growth
    • It is sustainable and makes plants healthy from inside
    • Improves crop yield

    Recommended For: Rice, Maize, Cowpea, Chick pea, Potato, Tea, pulses, Soyabean, all Fruits and Vegetables.



    A combination of microbial inoculants for management of major nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potash is necessary for sustainability of plants. Bio fertlizers enhance nitrogen availability, while inoculants enhance phosphorous and potash nutrition.

    Biosar AZUM comprises of Bacteria Azospirillum which serves as a broad spectrum inoculant. It is a mixture of powerful organisms which dissolve insolulable phosphorous and potash in soil and makes them available for plants through production of organic acid. It also provides nitrogen to the plants and produces biologically active vitamins, indole acetic acid, gibberellins, cytokynins which promotes plant growth.


    • Improves rate of seed germination, helps in root proliferation, accelerates plant growth, initiates early flowering and maturation, thus incrasing crop yield by 10-15%
    • Energizes plants and boosts their growth
    • It is sustainable and makes plants healthy from inside

    Recommended For: Wheat, barley, maize, paddy, jowar, oat, sugar cane, tobacco, potato, brinjal, mustard, onion, cauliflower, tomato, cabbage, many forest fruits and flowering plants.



    BIOSAR BENA is a biological insecticide based on a selective strain of naturally ocurring entomopathogenic fungis (Beauveria bassiana). When the spore of the fungus comes in contact with cuticle (skin) of the target pest/insect it germinate and grow directly through the cuticle in the inner body of the pest/insect. The fungus proliferates throughout the insect’s body, draining the insect of nutrients, eventually killing it in about 48-72 hours after spray.


    • It does not creat resistance, resurgence and residue problem.
    • It is harmless to the environment.
    • It is ecofriendly and maintains the ecological balance.
    • Effectively controls pests such as borers, cutworms, Root grubs, leaf hoppers, white fly, Aphids, Thrips, Mealy bug, wide range of arthropods, beetles, termites, weevils, thrips, caterpillars, mealybug etc.

    Recommended For: Rice, Maize, Tomato, Cauliflower, Potato, Cabbage, Tea, Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruit crops, Cole crops, Orchards, Fibre crops, Cut flowers Ornamentals in greenhouses, nurseries, lawns and landscape.



    Insecticidal soaps are based on potassium fatty acids and used to control many plant pests. Since insecticides work only when they are directly in contact with plants, threfore plants are weighed. Soaps have low mammalian toxicity and are considered safe to be used around children and pets. They are also used in organic farming.

    Biosar Bashit is a combination of potassium oleate and neem oil. It is very effective for soft bodied insects. It can also be used for large bodies insects like grass hoppers and caterpillars, though large bodied insects can be difficult to control with just soaps. It is effective in reduction and control of spider mites, aphids, thrips, green/white flies, leaf hoppers, leaf spot downey mildew, bliguls, borty tis, scabs, rusts, powdery mildew and for naturally repelling insects such as flies, mites, ticks and lice from animals.


    • It has no residual action and low mammalian toxicity (typically allowed uoto day of harvest)
    • It can be used in combination with other insecticides
    • Around 95% adults insects and 98% of nymphs die within 48 hours
    • It kills the pest on contact