Category: Organic Fertilizers

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    A combination of microbial inoculants is required to manage major nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, which are necessary for plant sustainability.

    Biosar Pro-NPK is the mixture of some most powerful organisms which has the capability of dissolving insoluble phosphorus and potash in soil and make them available to plants by producing organic acids.


    • Provides Nitrogen to plants
    • Produces biologically active metabolites like vitamins, indole acetic acid, gibberellins, cytokynins which energizes the plants and promote their growth
    • It makes plants healthier from inside

    Recommended for: Rice, maize, groundnut, lentil, cauliflower, cabbage, potato, brinjal, tea, mango, pineapple, banana, etc.



    BIOSAR TRIZYME is a granular fertilizer containing nitrogen along with amino acid with zinc, humic acid & hormones to act as fertilizers & catalyst. The unique formulation contains three different types of biologically active growth promoters, hydrolysates & organic acids to improve nutrient adsorption and raise the CEC of soil.


    • It makes the crops healthy, improves their quality and increases crop yield
    • It increases the protein synthesis of plants & helps to catalyse the physiological process effectively
    • It is a soil conditioner & helps the plants to take nutrition from soil systematically
    • It combines minerals to make them into organic compounds that can be ingested by plants more easily
    • It enables soil to hold more water and can increase the water infiltrnation of the soil
    • It is ecofriendly and non-toxic

    Recommended for: Paddy, maize, cereals, oilseeds, pulses, sugarcane, cotton, fruits, vegetables, cardamom, bulbs, tuber crops, orchards, ornamental plants, tea, coffee, saplings, etc.



    Biosar Sampoorna is a phosphate rich organic manure (PROM) used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate and single super phosphate.

    Phosphorous is required by all plants but is available in limited quantity in soil. In many areas phosphorous must be added to soil for the extensive plant growth that is desired for crop production.

    Biosar Sampoorna is produced by co – composting high grade rock phosphate in very fine size with organic matter collected from various sources such as decomposed straw of paddy and crop residues. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) is added to improve the efficiency and to make the nutrient available over a longer period. It contains high percentage of carbon to ensure that soil get ample carbon for the plant growth. Organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium all three nutrients are available in Biosar Sampoorna which improves the soil quality. It is effective in both acidic and alkaline soil.


    • Reduces the cost of fertilization and results into the conservation of phosphate mineral
    • Suitable to neutral and alkaline soils, a boon for Indian farmers
    • Protects the soil from damages due to over/imbalance fertilizer
    • Improves the soil structures, texture, water holding capacity, C: N ratio & pH balance.

    Recommended for: Paddy, potato, vegetables, beetle vine, mustard, groundnut, tea, young tea, mature tea and planting pit

    Available in powder and liquid



    BIOSAR HIRA, a bio enriched organic manure is made of 100% natural components like plants residues and cowdung manures. It contains high percentage of carbon which ensures high plant growth. It provides nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium aform organic sources which improved the soil quality. It is also enriched with beneficial nitrogen fixing, phosphate solubilizing and potash mobilizing bacteria.


    • Corrects soil pH & improves C: N ratio.
    • Helps soil to hold more water, protect the crop against drought, and gowth of roots
    • Gets a balanced supply of all the macro and micro nutrients
    • Improves the activity of N-fixing bacteria/Azo/Rhizobium.
    • Improves physical properties like soil structure, moister holding capacity, soil aeration and drainage
    • It increases the succulency of the leaf

    Recommended for: Tea (planting pit), young and mature tea, potato, vegetables, paddy, etc.



    BIOSAR HIRA PLUS, a bio enriched organic manure is made of 100% natural components like plants residues and cowdung manures. Its use is efficient in maintaining optimum levels of soil organic matter. It contains well decomposed de-oil cakes that supply nitrogen. The organic matter present serve as precursors of soil humus as they decay and convert to carbon dioxide, water, nitroge, sulphur oxide and keep replenishing carbon, nitrogen and sulphur cycles.

    Benefits :

    • Helps maintain C:N ratio in the soil and increases fertility and productivity of the soil.
    • Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, along with structure and texture
    • Increases water holding capacity of the soil.
    • Makes microbes available due to increase in biological activity in the lower depth of soil
    • Minimize evaporation process of soil.

    Recommended for: Tea (planting pit), young and mature tea, potato, vegetables, paddy, etc.



    Biosar Moti, a vermi compost is a superior quality manure. It is rich in plant nutrients and provides all essential nutrients in exchangeable and available forms. The worm castings in the vermicompost have nutrients that are upto 97% utilizable by plants and the easting have a mucous coating which allows the nutrients to “time release”.

    Benefits :

    • It is gentle and does not burn plants. It improves soil structure, acration, water holding capacity and chemical composition of soil
    • Reduces casting of soil structure, improves water transmission and water retention, minatains uniforn pH and increases cation exchange activity of soil
    • Increases oxidizable carbom levels, improving the base exchange capacity of the soil

    Recommended for: Tea (planting pit), young and mature tea, potato, vegetables, paddy, etc.



    BIOSAR Power, a completely decomposed organic fertilizer is enriched with de-oiled cakes and various nutrients. It is completely free of heavy metals. It is manufactured from well decomposed cattle waste and essential ingredients of organic origin. It increase the NPK level of soil and maintains the organic carbon percentage.


    • Fully decomposed organic manure, hence odour-less
    • Helps in conditioning soil structure, maintaining pH level, improving water holding capacity and better root proliferation.
    • Facilitates the process of nutrient intake in a systematic and holistic manner.
    • It is odour less and non-toxic. Does not leave any harmful residue or cause soil pollution.
    • It increases succulency of leaves and helps in vigorous root growth.


    Recommended for: Vegetables, flower, coffee/cocoa/pepper, Tea, coconut, sugarcane, grapes, banana, pomeogranate, papaya, watermelon, citrus/mango, household garden plants/roses, etc.

    Available in different varieties based on soil type and crop


    BIOSAR NEEM ZYME (Azadirachta Indica)

    Biosar Neem Zyme is the ideal replacement for liquid ammonia urea, phosphoric acid and several other chemical fertilizer used as a supplement or nutrient source in all biological treatment systems. It furnishes required energy sources to maintain excellent growth rate and promote biological oxidation. It provides further action, reduces fertilizer requirement and increases yield in most crops.

    • Consistent, premium quality mix ideal for both indoor and outdoor container gardening
    • Formulated when micro nutrients and neem oil to support strong and consistent plant growth
    • Increases higher water penetration, fertilizer efficiency, root development and rebuilds soil naturally

    Available in granules and liquid form



    BIOSAR NEEM CAKE is a natural plant food. It protects crops from different type of insects & breaks the normal life cycle of insects to protect the plants from diseases.


    • It increases plant growth and soil fertility, helps in plant growth, flowering & bearing of fruits
    • It releases nitrogen from soil that is easily absorbed/assimilated by the plants
    • It renders immunity of the crop against various diseases & insects
    • It acts as an insecticides & fungicide



    Biosar Neemplus protects roots from soil and seed borne diseases, nematode and increses tolerance against a range of soil stress. It renders the immunity of the crop against various diseases and insects as well. It helps prevent damping off, root rot, nematode, leaf mottling, leaf witting, black spot, etc.


    • It increases plant growth and soil fertility, helps in plant growth, flowering & bearing of fruits
    • It releases nitrogen from soil that is easily absorbed/assimilated by the plants
    • It renders immunity of the crop against various diseases & insects



    Biosar Humic Acid Solid is a group of molecules that binds and helps plant roots receive water and nutrients. High humic acid levels can dramatically increase yields, while its deficency can prevent farmers and gardeners from grooving crops with optimum nutrition.


    • Nutrilize sil pH, increase plant yield upto 70%, increase water holding capacity of soil
    • Binds insoluble metal ions, oxides and hydeoxides to release them slowly and continually to plants when required
    • Produces physical, chemical and biological effects
    • It is completely biodegradable and toxin free.